ようこそ! Wellcome!



We have international documents, domestic laws, regulations and documents and papers on inclusive education.

6.JPGillustrated by Yurari


1. Convention and Parallel report

    1-1.  Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

 1-2.  Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities’ CRPD General comment No. 4 (2016)

    1- 3.  First Conclusion Recommendations to Japan


    1- 4.  State Party Report and Parallel Reports

 1-5. Minister of Education Rejects Concluding Observation by the UN to Japanese Government

 2. Japanese Laws

    2-1.  The Basic Act for Persons with Disabilities

    2-2 .  Act for Eliminate Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities (Japan)

3.Notification and administrative reports


    3-2 .文部科学省新しい時代の特別支援教育の在り方に関する有識者会議報告(案)(文科省HPでダウンロード)(2020.12.22)

    3-3. 有識者会議報告(案)の問題点 

    3-4.  特別支援学級及び通級による指導の適切な運用について(通知)(2022.4.27)(文科省HPでダウンロード)

    3-52023年 文科相報告 通常の学級に在籍する障害のある児童生徒への支援の在り方に関する検討会議

 4. Important Issues

    4-1. About notification (April 27th, 2022):notification clash good practices of inclusive education
    4- 5. Kawasaki court case
    4-7. Deinstitutionalization