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blog240825E The Eugenic Protection Act is a violation of the constitution The Supreme Court Decision and its reaction 1


 The Eugenic Protection Act is a violation of the constitution

The Supreme Court Decision and its reaction 1


     The Supreme Court concluded in a series of cases (more than six years) about the Eugenic Protection Act as follows, 


- Forced sterilization violated Article 13 of the Constitution (respect as the individual, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness) and Article 14(1) (equality before the law).

- The government's allegation that the lawsuit is invalid because the period of limitation had expired was against the rule of faith and was not permissible as an abuse of power.

- The government shall compensate the plaintiff.


     The Diet members start to move on discussing a new law to provide remedy to the victims of forced sterilization. They restarted on 2024 July 9 the “All-party Parliamentary Group for Reviewing Forced Sterilization under the Eugenic Protection Act”. On July 17th, Prime Minister apologized the plaintiff.   On the 29th, the Cabinet Office established the “Headquarters for Measures Toward the Realization of a Coexisting Society Free from Prejudice and Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities” to review past efforts to eradicate eugenic ideology and prejudice and discrimination against persons with disabilities, and to strengthen efforts, including education and awareness-raising activities.

     The Diet members and the government are trying to implement the remedy of victims and the eradication of eugenic ideology, prejudice and discrimination (hereinafter referred to as “Anti-eugenic Ideology”) simultaneously. But it is clearly wrong to treat the former the same as the latter. The speed required for the two is different.


     Remedies must be swift. Victims of forced sterilization are aging. Several have died since lawsuits had started in 2018. It is only natural for the government to provide adequate remedies while the plaintiffs are still alive.


     On the other hand, the Anti-eugenic Ideology requires a change in the way of thinking of politicians, bureaucrats, public servants and citizens who have eugenic ideas. This will require a great deal of effort. The Eugenic Protection Act has a discriminatory history of bringing serious damages to not only people with disabilities, but also people from abroad and people with leprosy. Until recent years, forced sterilization had not been recognized as issue under the Eugenic Protection Act. This shows that many people supported eugenic ideology. Anti-eugenic Ideology requires an immeasurable amount of energy. We wonder if the government is aware of this.

blog240825J 旧優生保護法は違憲、最高裁判決とその反響 1

Translate to English 

旧優生保護法は違憲、最高裁判決とその反響 1


l   強制不妊手術は憲法13条(個人として尊重される。生命、自由及び幸福追求に対する国民の権利)と141項(法の下の平等)に違反するものであった

l   国の「除斥期間が過ぎたため訴えは無効」とする主張は信義則に反し、権利の濫⽤として許されない

l   国は原告に賠償をする


国会議員や政府は被害者の救済と,優生思想及び偏見・差別の根絶(以下「優生思想の根絶」) を同時に行おうとしているようだ。しかし2つを同時に行うのは,明らかに間違っている。両者は求められるスピードが違うからだ。

救済は早さが求められる。強制不妊手術の被害者は,高齢化している。 2018年からの各地の訴訟の間にも,数人亡くなっている。当事者が生きている間に十分な救済を行うことは国として当然である。

一方,優生思想の根絶は ,優生思想をもつ政治家,官僚,公務員,そして私たち市民の考えを変えることであり,相当地道に取り組まなければならない。優生保護法は,障害者差別のみならず,「生まれてはいけない」とされた子ども、あるいは「子どもをもってはいけない」とされた外国人やハンセン病の人などにも、被害をもたらした歴史がある。1948年に優生保護法が制定されて以来、近年まで同法に基づく強制不妊手術が問題として扱われてこなかったことは,優生思想を支持する人が大多数であったことを物語る。優生思想の根絶には,計り知れないエネルギーを必要とする。国はそれを分かっているのだろうか。